Monday 3 May 2010

Day 5 - My secret Diary - How To Make A Sqeeze Page

What a great day today is,

Within 1 week, I have created a Business Engine.

An engine I hear you ask??

A lot of newbies, think that you find a product, promote it, drive traffic and make a sale .
They try this, it doesn't really work so they give up, and say, " Internet Marketing is a scam, it doesn't work, all this hype.... etc...."

What I will be teaching is, actually, you need to work the opposite way round.

Find A market
Create a free gift ( eBook or report etc..)
drive traffic to your squeeze page
Build your opt-in list
Create value to your list ( customer)
then and only then, offer them an affiliated product that is related to the free gift.
You are more likely to make a sale, and for them to buy than if you gave them the sale page.

So on that note,

I have finally created MY FIRST WEB BUSINESS !!! :-)

I have a squeeze page
I created my own PDF eBook ( very, very easy if you know how )
Used Aweber ( very important to have , its a must)
And now am going to drive traffic to my page - Note there is no selling, and offering them a quality free eBook, in exchange for their email address.

Am now going to find a real product to promote, the three areas will be:

any of the above, get my self a niche, and do the above....

Very simple, but very powerful.

That's it for today........

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