Sunday 2 May 2010

Day 4 - My Secret Diary - How To make Money Online

Hi All,

WOW - what a day ( bank holiday Weekend)
As i told you before I have been working with CF, and this guy is awesome.
He has not just taught me, but giving me actual results>>>>>

I have created my first squeezepage -
and not just that, I have created my own Ebook and put in online in less than 1 hour....WOW

Seriously, this guy is magical.... and am living proof.... I just cant wait for him to release his new video training materials, so you will have the exact same results as i am seeing.
Ok..... (am off to make my self a quick cup of tea)

Right am back.

CF teaches me that in order to make real money and be successful, you must concentrate on building your list..... Build you list, then give value.... and then by default, the sales/money comes in.

So, I have my squeeze page, which is giving every visitor the option to download my free EBOOK, which will be quality content, the ebook i mentioned earlier was really like a test process, in order to create a REALLY good quality Ebook, could take a little longer ( approx 2-4 hrs)- also he told me where to get my content and information to create my ebook: pictures, wording, text, headlines, ebook covers, everything!

They get this info by filling in the fields: Name and email address, I then via an auto-responder send them the link to download the Ebook - Presto, I have another opt-in potential customer.

So recap:

1. Squeeze page
2. Fill in email address.
3. Send them an ebook
4. add them to my FREE newsletter.
5. carry on with this ,and build my list.

Note: there is no mention of money or making a sale just yet, this is the question I kept on asking CF, When do we start selling and making money??

Patience my dear Watson was his reply....................

We do as he says, and carry on...................

Refererences: for the free pdf creator, free public domain articles -

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