Friday 21 May 2010

Week 2 - My Secret Diary - How To Make Money Online

For the past week I have been on forums, making general replies ro threads, and post a few new thread also, all relating to my "niche" ( Intenet marketing & how to start an Online business)

By leaving my URL link in my signiture box - see below:

- - > > The Best Way To Set Up An Online Business? -
Full Comprehensive VIDEO Training
Click Here < <- -

This will always get click thorough
I have also set up a Google Analytic account, so I get up to date "click data".

Also posting a couple of articles via:, and


This is a part time business, which will lead to a full time Income.
I have blocked out all the other distractions, that will if not carefull lead to paralysis analysis!!

Just concentrating on building my list, direct to my squeeze page, using simple and easy methods.

Once I build my list, I am able to push my affilaite products to, warm and ready market.
I have all my subscribers on the " Success Greanade" course, which sends out an email every week, filled with tips and techniques and teaching Internet Marketing skills.

Thats it..... just build my list......


Keyword reasearch
Produce articles and blogs via and, and embedding them with medium tail and long tail keywords.

Create an eBook, and upload it to the top 3 eBook distribution sites.

Until next time...............

Friday 14 May 2010

Generating Traffic

All my pieces are now set in place, we just go get some TRAFFIC to our site.

So for the last few days, I have been researching strongly to what are the BEST traffic avenues to start with.

Just simple, straightforward and free techniques, all part time you can use.

Am starting with article marketing, and by the best sites to submit your own personally written article is and

Also starting to create my and

These all help push your “website domain” up the Google ranks!

Till next time…..

Friday 7 May 2010

Day 7 - My secret Diary - Were all ready to GO>>>


Today is a great day, I have finally set up my Online Business machine.

I have got all my essential pieces in place.

1. Domain and hosting
2. Autoresponder
3. Squeeze page.
4. Free product.
5. Follow up email newsletters

Now that all the hard work is done...

Am going to be concentrating on driving traffic.

If you wanting to do the same, i have a speacial link, direct to the training videos
check out the link below:

See you soon...........


Wednesday 5 May 2010

Day 6 - My secret Diary - Making Money Just Got Easier

Hi All,

Right I have been very busy since last time, CF has got me doing some serious training, and it was all done via VIDEO TRAINING which i just love, its so much easier to grasp and understand rather than reading some text - video marketing is going to be HUGE:

Right what have i been up to, and what have i achieved???

So I have a domain, web page, auto responder, and a squeeze page, and ebook, and also just been learning about cloaking my affiliated links

cloaking affiliated links are great, you can change this long link:

to..... this:

as you can see, its so much better..... Also i have just let the cat out of the bag, now you know who CF is, its in the open now, this is who is teaching me, and also he has just set up this BRAND NEW training site i was telling you about.

Right moving on,

Also this morning i have branded an already highly successful ebook, that was written by CF, but am able to re-brand it, with all my affiliated links and web pages within the eBook, and send it out for a bit of "viral marketing! - And all the links come back to my website!

And the real secret to making money online is Knowing what to do, and doing it,
With the web, you can easy get "information overload" - but our way, we make it very simple and digestible -

Am like a test guinea pig here, starting from scratch, from nothing, and going through all the steps, and my aim is to have a successful Online business earning approx £1,000 per week, every week, minimum - it may take a lot of time and effort in the initial few months, but very, very achievable.

Ok so stay tuned till my next post............ speak soon


Monday 3 May 2010

Day 5 - My secret Diary - How To Make A Sqeeze Page

What a great day today is,

Within 1 week, I have created a Business Engine.

An engine I hear you ask??

A lot of newbies, think that you find a product, promote it, drive traffic and make a sale .
They try this, it doesn't really work so they give up, and say, " Internet Marketing is a scam, it doesn't work, all this hype.... etc...."

What I will be teaching is, actually, you need to work the opposite way round.

Find A market
Create a free gift ( eBook or report etc..)
drive traffic to your squeeze page
Build your opt-in list
Create value to your list ( customer)
then and only then, offer them an affiliated product that is related to the free gift.
You are more likely to make a sale, and for them to buy than if you gave them the sale page.

So on that note,

I have finally created MY FIRST WEB BUSINESS !!! :-)

I have a squeeze page
I created my own PDF eBook ( very, very easy if you know how )
Used Aweber ( very important to have , its a must)
And now am going to drive traffic to my page - Note there is no selling, and offering them a quality free eBook, in exchange for their email address.

Am now going to find a real product to promote, the three areas will be:

any of the above, get my self a niche, and do the above....

Very simple, but very powerful.

That's it for today........

Sunday 2 May 2010

Day 4 - My Secret Diary - How To make Money Online

Hi All,

WOW - what a day ( bank holiday Weekend)
As i told you before I have been working with CF, and this guy is awesome.
He has not just taught me, but giving me actual results>>>>>

I have created my first squeezepage -
and not just that, I have created my own Ebook and put in online in less than 1 hour....WOW

Seriously, this guy is magical.... and am living proof.... I just cant wait for him to release his new video training materials, so you will have the exact same results as i am seeing.
Ok..... (am off to make my self a quick cup of tea)

Right am back.

CF teaches me that in order to make real money and be successful, you must concentrate on building your list..... Build you list, then give value.... and then by default, the sales/money comes in.

So, I have my squeeze page, which is giving every visitor the option to download my free EBOOK, which will be quality content, the ebook i mentioned earlier was really like a test process, in order to create a REALLY good quality Ebook, could take a little longer ( approx 2-4 hrs)- also he told me where to get my content and information to create my ebook: pictures, wording, text, headlines, ebook covers, everything!

They get this info by filling in the fields: Name and email address, I then via an auto-responder send them the link to download the Ebook - Presto, I have another opt-in potential customer.

So recap:

1. Squeeze page
2. Fill in email address.
3. Send them an ebook
4. add them to my FREE newsletter.
5. carry on with this ,and build my list.

Note: there is no mention of money or making a sale just yet, this is the question I kept on asking CF, When do we start selling and making money??

Patience my dear Watson was his reply....................

We do as he says, and carry on...................

Refererences: for the free pdf creator, free public domain articles -