Saturday 22 January 2011

How to Create a Mini Commercial for your YouTube Video "Learn THREE Proven Ways to Earn Internet Income in 2011." Video marketing has become THE way to promote a website or blog. The trick to maximize your results is to offer a free report or eBook, which is often called a lead magnet. The problem is most Internet marketers don't get REAL results from the videos they create. A trick I've learned is to use something I call the "mini-commercial." What you do is introduce your free report BEFORE and AFTER your video clip is shown. You quickly advertise the URL for the report and then show the great content that you have on YouTube. This video demonstrates how to combine an audio intro with a video AND a slide promoting your lead magnet using the Camstasia tool. In five minutes you can create quality videos that drive lots of traffic to your online business destinations.
Time:03:20More inHowto & Style

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