Monday 28 June 2010

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Tuesday 22 June 2010

The Best Way To Make Money Online

Author: WinWithWayne


Added: June 22, 2010

Pet Society New UPDATED Hack !! Cheat Engine 5.6 for Pet Society !! ...

Author: Tece586


Added: June 21, 2010

Starcraft 2 Beta Latest Crack - Play Against AI latest 2010 june working

Author: starcrafthacker2


Added: June 21, 2010

Starting business online – its an art, and skills are needed –

Starting business online – its an art, and skills are needed –

This is targeted to the serious reader, who wants to start making money online.

Starting business online is actually quite easier than you think, you just need to overcome your fears and control information overload.– but remember this, all those that earn large income level have not done it overnight, it probably took then at least a couple of years – FACT – Its not going to be quick or easy – you have been warned. Now for those that expect that work and time is needed to create a very good income, please read on………….

This info is for people who are serious about starting business online, creating a regular income and running this as a real business, whether part time or full time.
Its actually quite easy to start making money online, you just need to know how it all works, and you need a system to follow; a proven blue print.

Now what am about to share with you, is the exact model that hundreds of very successful internet marketers are using to make in excess of $20,000 EVERY month, that’s a annual income of approx $250,000 ! now please don’t expect that within weeks you can achieve this kind of income, it takes a lot longer. But that is what we expect, to start business online, is just like a business offline in the real world, you must BUILD IT UP.

PLEASE READ THIS CARFULLY – its detailed, but very much achievable….
Remember I didn’t say it will be Quick, but EASY, easy to do, just follow the steps, and you are well on your way, to really earn a very good monthly income.
There are certain tools you need, without these your going to struggle and sooner or later get annoyed that its not working and then by default you will give up and say “ its all a sham, It cant be done!”

That’s why only 3% of the people who start earning money online succeed, they keep going and NEVER QUIT, good or bad times they keep going.

So where do we start??

start business online

You will have heard the saying – “The Money Is In The List”
This is the real secret, build your list, build a relationship with your subscribers, and you will have instant buyers to any product you wish to promote to them.

You must ONLY concentrate on building your list, the sales and money come later, That’s not saying you can not make money sending visitors direct to your sales page, you may make a few sales, but its better to have them subscribed to your LIST.
ALL SUCCESSFUL marketers make 80% of their money from their list – it’s the real secret to their success.
So how do you start building your list?
This is where I will help you, I will provide you with all the tools you need, keep reading.
Tools needed ( This is important, you have to have them in place)
• A squeeze page
• Hosting Account ( HOSTAGTOR is best)
• A Giveaway/Free eBook ( a few pages of quality content will do)
• An auto responder ( We highly recommend AWEBER)
• A weekly newsletter/ or follow up emails
• And as a backend product, whilst your building your list, offer a monthly affiliate programme

YOU DO require the above, no shortcuts! – its going to cost you approx $25 per month, these are your overheads or running costs, every good business has overheads, its just that with an online business, its very, very low cost!
You have a squeeze page, a simple one page website, that has only one aim, and that is to give you a valuable information rich eBook, in exchange for your email address.
The eBook is also provided, go through the forums, find out what problems people are facing, or what is talked about often ( in your niche), write up a few pages, and then convert it into a PDF ( there are many good free pdf creators to choose from, I use
You need follow up emails, quite simple providing quality readable content, Understand this: People don’t like been hard sold anymore, provide FREE advice and share your tricks and techniques first before you send them your sales pitch.

1-3 weeks to get your fully functional website online, with squeeze page, downloadable ebook, and newsletter, and this will start building your list.

3-9 weeks to start building your list in the hundreds, then thousands, you only really need a couple of thousand subscribers, before you can start seeing $1,000 - $2,000 per month incomes.

After the first 3 month or so, and once you are earning $1000+ per month, is when you start to really accelerate your income, and produce your OWN product ( a lot easier than you think) google “create your own digital product”
And then sell this to affiliates via Clickbank, Commission Junction etc…
So long as you have the right guidance, its really simple to earn $000’s+ per month, all you need is lets say 300 subscribers paying $20 per month, I mean 300 is a very small figure considering there are millions of people that pay this amount already!

Either do all the above alone, or join our team, and get it all done for you. INVITATION ONLY-

Just do it, if you start now and stick to it, by month six, you will have over 1000 subscribers, which equates to 1:2 which equals $2000 per month minimum !!

So starting Business Online is quite easy if you know how, now you do…..what are you waiting for, you know what to do, Go Do It……J

Before you go get your self a copy of my eBook – Everything as above explained in more details….
Visit my other Wordpress Blog –

Or get your Traianing guide now:

2007 Honda S2000 Durham NC 27713

Author: crownhondasouthpoint


Added: June 21, 2010

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Week 4 - Starting Business online - My Secret Diary

Week 4, has been action packed:

Tweeked my wordpress site, and finally got my article approved at

This site is very strict to what content is submitted - But finally after many revised version, have my first article submitted - read it here:

I am still posting threads and replying to posts on the forums, and have seen my opt-in sign ups growing, large percentage are coming direct from my forum sigs.!

I have always wanted to get a few videos on to You Tube, because this is just as good as google for traffic.

So after much research I have been a able to locate a piece of software, and with this very easy but powerful software, I was able to submit 8 separate videos in one day, that’s created and submitted and live on You Tube within the same day! - Go check out - Make sure you submit one video per one keyword, this is what I had done, each video with its own rich keyword embedded, and of course my website URL in the description box

Till Next week.........

Week 4 - Starting Business online - My Secret Diary

Week 4, has been action packed:

Tweeked my wordpress site, and finally got my article approved at

This site is very strict to what content is submitted - But finally after many many revised version, have my first article submitted - read it here:

I am still posting threads and replying to posts on the forums, and have have seen my opt-in sign ups growing, large percentage are coming direct from my forum sigs.!

I have always wanted to get a few videos on to You Tube, beacuse this is just as good as google for traffic.
So after much research I have been a able to locate a piece of software, and with this very easy but powerful software, I was able to sumbit 8 seperate videos in one day, thats created and submitted and live on You Tube within the same day - Aamzing

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Week 3 - Starting an Online Business - My Secret diary

Hi All,

On my last post, i explained that I have been a regualar on the forums, and am still posting threads and replying to posts currently. I have my site tracked via Google Analytics, so I see real time traffic, and I can monitor all traffic form my forums posts, and gives me the insight to concentrate on the ones that work best for me.

Also I have created a couple of Wordpress blogs, see below

And also have submitted a couple of articles to Goarticles -

titled: Starting business online - its an art, and skills are needed - and we can help!

And am currently waiting for approval via - stay tuned, will let you know once its live.