Friday 30 April 2010

Day 3 - My Secret Diary - How to make money on line

Day 3 -

I have been busy on the, trying to find out the best hosting service, gets the best review.

Also whilst I was on the, I have built up a number of "guru/mentor" friends, and have fortunatily been able to work with a very great and successful gentleman, for now we shall call him CF. now he has been on line a few years and is now earning $10,000+ per month m every month, so as you do, the natural question you ask is: How do you do it?, Can i do the same?, and can you teach me to do the same?
He told me in very simple and easy terms, in fact I was really suprised how simple it was, now,i didnt say easy, but simple.... tryst me its not easy earning $10,000+ per month, but as CF explains, if you STICK to a simple plan, YOU CAN DO IT...............

So am very thank ful that I have CF as a mentor/guide, and he has promised me that he will show me exactly how to do make money online, and the great news is: He has allowed me to share this process with all you out there.....

So as i learn, so will you... WIN : WIN !!

Now the first thing he told me to do was > GO AND BUILD YOUR LIST<
easier said than done,

So my only aim right now is to BUILD MY LIST !
CF explains the best way to do this is to get my self a "squeeze page" and offer a great product for FREE, he has given me a choice of freebies... just got to go build my squeeze page.........

Now as you may or may not be aware, but the main purpose of this blog, is for me to document my path to success.... and on the way, teach this to all that read my blog.

I will be sharing EVERYTHING with you, I will be as honest and transparent as I can be ( CF has requested i keep him anonymous for now - I think he normally charges for his services!)

Also CF and I are starting to create very simple step by step video training where it will explain this WHOLE process- Keep tuned.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

DAY 2 - My Secret Diary - Making Money Online

Ok Day 2,

As i spoke about yesterday, I was now determined to start my Online Business. and treat it as a REAL business. Just two hours ago, I was playing with my son, and it made me realise even more that I had to make this business a REAL success, I had to start making a lot of money Online, for me and for my son's future....... So I put him to bed, got back on to my laptop and bought my self my first ever domain name............

Now I have been thinking all day, what name to choose, so many passed my mind, and so i decided on the below:, I also have the email

I bought it via, they seem to be recommended by nearly everyone I speak to... so why not!

Also note, I had to top-up my Paypal account first, using my bank account, this had already been verified so it was quite quick suprisingly!

Ok Moving on.... Great.... I have a plan... I have a domain name, whats next??

Hosting....... Am off now to research the best value hosting service out there in the big world Wide Web...... See you tomorrow...........


Tuesday 27 April 2010

My Secret Diary - How To Make Money Online 2010

Hi World,

I have decided that I am going to take the plunge and start a serious Online Business, the focus is to tell you my day 2 day story of how I intent to make money online. Am very serious about this, and this blog will hold be accountable !

Its been a long dream for me, to be a successful Internet Marketer, and create a regular monthly income.

As with all dreams, you need to give your self goals and targets, so here it goes:
1. Start building my list - gain at least 500 opt-ins within 5 months
2. Create my own Ebook - and send it viral !

I think that's it for now, its enough to go on.....2 simple goals, I got 5 months, plus I have so much to learn.....

Its a bank holiday weekend coming this week, this will give me time to start the above.

I went to university and got my self a PHD ( Poor, Hungry and determined) - Am ready For a CHANGE...................

See you next time